Asa Smith

How to use ember-cli to generate components using pod structure


The answer to the question above is ember generate component component-name --pods --no-path

Maybe I should back up a bit.

I've been working on an ember project full time for about a year now. I definitely prefer the pods style file layout to the classic style.

If you're unfamiliar, classic style file structure looks like this:

|-- components/
    |-- tags.js
    |-- tags.hbs
|-- controllers/
    |-- post.js
|-- models/
    |-- post.js
|-- routes/
    |-- post.js
|-- templates/
    |-- post.js
|-- app.js
|-- index.html
|-- router.js

while pods looks like this:

|-- components/
    |-- tags.js
    |-- tags.hbs
|-- post/
|-- app.js
|-- index.html
|-- router.js

The pod structure organizes the file system by feature instead of by entity type which I think is much easier to reason about and navigate.

You can use the ember-cli to scaffold out files for:

  • routes
  • controllers
  • templates
  • ember-data files

The command ember generate entity-type feature-name would scaffold out the correct file in the correct directory. If you want to use the pod structure you have to pass the --pods option to the ember generate command.

ember generate route feature-name would generate a new route.js file inside the feature-name directory. If the directory didn't exist it would be created. This command will also generate a test file at tests/unit/feature-name/route-test.js

You can also update the .ember-cli config file like so

// .ember-cli
    "usePods": true

If you try to pass the --pods arg with a "usePods": true config ember-cli will throw a warning that using both is deprecated. The rest of my examples will use the --pods flag.

The problem I had was trying to create a component but I didn't want the component.js file or its template.hbs file to be generated inside of a /components directory. Maybe this is a bad idea. If it is I'm sure the internet will tell me.

The --path option accepts a string as its argument. You can use it to pass a file path. The file path passed must be relative to the /app directory.

|-- post/
    |-- controller.js
    |-- route.js
    |-- template.js
|-- app.js
|-- index.html
|-- router.js

If you want to create an author-info component inside our post directory the ember-cli command would be

ember g component author-info --pods --path="post"

|-- post/
    |-- author-info/
        |-- component.js
        |-- template.hbs
    |-- controller.js
    |-- route.js
    |-- template.js
|-- app.js
|-- index.html
|-- router.js

But what if I want to create a component at the same level as /post?

ember generate component my-component --pods --path=""

Just pass an empty string as the argument. That creates the file structure below.

|-- my-component/
    |-- component.js
    |-- template.js
|-- post/
    |-- author-info/
        |-- component.js
        |-- template.hbs
    |-- controller.js
    |-- route.js
    |-- template.js
|-- app.js
|-- index.html
|-- router.js

There's also an alias for --path="". It's --no-path

ember generate component my-component --pods --no-path